Saturday, June 7, 2008

1 GB 20 years ago "It Was Memory Box Not Memory Card" [PIC]

The storage device which was used to store data of 1 before 20 years. What will you say Memory card??? or Memory Box??? LOL...

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Half of world's population has a mobile phone

The number of mobile phone users world soared to over 3.3 billion by the end of 2007, equivalent to a penetration rate of 49 percent, the International Telecommunications Union has said in a report.

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Your Xbox 360's Summer of Dreams

Did anyone know that so many good games were coming out this summer for the Xbox 360? Well there is, and they look pretty damn good. Soul Calibur IV, UT3, Mercenaries 2...all coming out this year. Finally a great summer for gaming.

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Touch Screen Turntables

The ATTIGO TT was created by Scott Hobbs, a student at Dundee University studying innovative product design. For his final year project he’s created a touch screen turntable that lets DJ’s loop, sample and scratch wave forms just as you would a record. The size of the touchtable is approximately the same as a standard turntable, making the physical interaction nearly the same. Where this takes off is in the flexibility and features included right at your fingertips, no longer locked up on a computer screen. The ATTIGO TT is currently a working prototype, and Scott is looking for manufacturers to partner with.

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Hydraulic Computer from the 1950s

Created in 1949 by the New Zealand economist Bill Phillips, The Moniac is an analog computer which used hydraulics to model the workings of an economy, with the flow of money illustrated by colored water. (Image is from Fortune Magazine 1952)

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A brief history of the x86 microprocessor

Here's a peek at the events and technologies that led to the development of Intel's x86 architecture, plus milestones in its 30-year reign.

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Top 10 Xbox 360 Games For Your Girlfriend

Perhaps Brodie Bruce put it best when he said “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned for Sega”. Indeed, there is a social stigma that goes along with being a gamer that seems to be at its worst when dealing with the fairer sex. It’s clear that there are female gamers out there, but unfortunately the majority of them just don’t have a spot in their life for a 360. When dating, the videogame topic is one that’s often avoided until absolutely necessary. Girls often turn up their noses at the thought of playing a videogame, and refuse flat out to have any part of it. So with that in mind, I present to you...The Top Ten 360 Games for your Girlfriend10. Viva Pinata – A great game for serious gamers with a cute and cuddly disguise, this game may have been tailor made for the good old bait and switch tactic. Even the most reticent girlfriend will at least admit that a Bunnycomb is pretty adorable. The upcoming Trouble in Paradise makes this even more appealing, with a newly added cooperative mode.9. Dead or Alive 4 – Sure, the ladies of Dead or Alive are horribly stereotyped sex objects. That doesn’t mean your girlfriend won’t be thrilled when she kicks the crap out of your Bayman with her Ayane. Hotseat through the story mode once so she can get the feel of the game and then jump into some competition. With a pretty even spread of male and female characters to play, a Battle of the Sexes tournament can be a lot of fun.8. The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion – Taking on the role of a personally created character can be enough to get anyone hooked. Customization and the ability to make choices that affect the game are a big selling point, and a rich and immersive story adds to what may be seen as an unlikely choice for a way to introduce your girlfriend to the 360.7. Halo 3 – Or for that matter Army of Two, or Kane & Lynch. Sure they’re all shooters, but they have one important thing in common - cooperative play. Cooperative play is not only a great way to build upon a relationship, but it’s also a good way to keep a new player from getting discouraged.6. Dance Dance Revolution Universe – The old standby. Sure, it’s not the most hardcore game, but everyone gets their start somewhere. Many girl gamers bought their first console for the DDR series, and why not? It’s exercise, it’s dancing, and it’s great fun.5. Rock Band – A favorite game of non-gamers, Rock Band provides plenty of options. Even a girl unwilling to pick up a controller may be willing to grab the mic and belt out her favorite tunes. The ability to adjust the difficulty separately for each player means that it can be challenging for you without being frustrating for her. A karaoke experience in the house can be a compelling reason to turn on the Xbox, especially if there are a few friends singing too.4. Marvel Ultimate Alliance – With a wide array of characters to choose from, and a simple, easy to grasp game mechanic, Marvel Ultimate Alliance is a great way to kill two birds with one stone. Not only is it a wonderful introduction to what the Xbox 360 has to offer, it’s a fantastic way to start that comic addiction too. With a cast of very strong characters, both male and female, a light leveling system and a pretty interesting story, Ultimate Alliance is a fantastic introduction to gaming.3. The Simpsons Game – Funny and familiar, The Simpsons Game is a great way to transition into games. The drop-in drop-out coop in the game is a great way to invite her to play. Start up the game, show her some of the cinematics, and coax her into joining in for a bit. The gameplay isn’t the best, but the laughs are there, and that may be enough.2. Lego Star Wars / Indiana Jones – Familiarity plays an important role when introducing someone to games. While Gears of War may be too much to grasp all at once, the Star Wars and Indiana Jones stories are already well known. Combine that with Pixar like humor, virtually no death penalty, and places where the 2nd player is almost necessary, the Lego series are great ‘couple’ games.And number 1.....1. The Orange Box: Portal – A personal favorite and a great introduction to the First Person Shooter, Portal is the perfect game to introduce a girlfriend to. The overhead voice of GLaDOS provides the laughs and the puzzles ramp up at a slow but steady pace. Of course, Team Fortress 2 and Call of Duty 4 are simply applications of the same shooting mechanics as in Portal, so moving on to one of the hardcore Xbox FPS titles afterwards is simple. Get your lady friend started on this one and prepare to see fuzzy companion cubes start cropping up around the house in no time.

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